Saturday, September 22, 2007

Goals for Today


Hopefully today I will get a lot done. Probably not, but that's the hope. I at least need to get what's due on Monday done, but I really should write the intro to my senior paper.

After that, I need to go to Payless and buy some cheap shoes that have rubber soles and breathable uppers. Once the snow starts, those will be rather important. Right now, I have all kinds of shoes except for ones that can get me, daily, to and from campus in the snow. Let's hope I find some good'uns.

It would be great if I could figure out how to pin down a teaching licensure in the near future, but I'm not really sure how I can pull it off. I'm looking at a grad school in Boone, NC, but I need to have a license to start school there. Maybe I'll just have to pick one up at UW before I go into grad school hardcore.

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