Tuesday, October 16, 2007


I've been a bit busy, and right now I'm feeling a bit woozy from a power-sized peanut butter moo'd[R] from the Juice of Jamba.

Interesting tidbit: I can't find any nouns, adjectives or adverbs, or verbs that begin with the voiced 'th' sound (e.g. these, nether, prithee). Why? So weird.

I finished the American Film Institute's 1997 '100 Movies...100 Films' list. We (some friends and I) watched Tootsie at my place with a projector displaying it on our living room wall. There was lots of healthy and unhealthy snack food available, but I was sad that there weren't so many people there. It's hard to free up weekends in college, I know how it is. Anyway, I feel like I need to actually do something with all this knowledge I received through these movies. I'm still trying to decide what would be a good use of my studies, and I can't think of much. Eventually, I'll have to make a video of the best parts of the movies and put comments on each for a better explanation of the value of the film. In the meantime, I'm going to collapse in a corner and sleep.

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