Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Confucianism versus Mormonism

Sometimes, I think I'm trying to get myself expelled from BYU. It's a good thing my TA is Understanding. Here's the last paragraph of my most recent homework entry, on the differences between Confucianism and Mormonism.

The greatest difference I can see between the two schools of thought is that while Confucianism is rather misogynistic, it makes no attempts to justify its beliefs, nor does it pretend to put men and women on any sort of equal ground. The Church of Jesus Christ, instead of embracing its sexism, continues to make bland and unconvincing claims that the roles of men and women are separate, but equal. While my position is obviously very much an inflammatory one, I stand behind it, and am quite willing to discuss it in greater detail. I consider the chauvinism of the Church quite beyond reasonable doubt, and while I reserve a personal opinion of the Church's gender roles, I don't mean to suggest God would have them defined otherwise.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice post. thanks.