Wednesday, April 2, 2008


I applied for graduation! Somehow, having given the school $15 to print out my diploma just makes it all so much more real. Too bad I'm still here for another 4 months.

Also, I'm really cuddle-hungry. I've been thinking all day about how much fun it is to relax on the couch with someone you love, and also how much of a difference it makes if that love is of the romantic sort. It's too bad my beliefs disqualify me in the eyes of a substantial percentage of the school's available women.

It's probably the most frustrating part of my day-to-day here at this school that I realise this is one of the few places in America where my faith is semi-criminal. It's strange how persecution can be both the cross a community professes to carry and the weapon it wields against those around it; at the same time, it's the abused that are most likely to become abusers, isn't it? Maybe I should concentrate on that point of view so I don't fall into the same pattern myself.


Heather said...

What are your beliefs, if you don't mind my asking? I know that we've talked about it before, but I think we mostly covered what you don't believe.

Trish said...

That is great that you are graduating! Are you still trying to be vegetarian? I'm trying to eat less meat and more wholesome foods.