Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Getting to know me myself annoyed with someone. I'm pretty sure this is the second time in years. I was frustrated with Broom Curls because she wasn't very dependable. She wasn't a liar or anything, she just didn't have the sense of obligation to appointments that I do. Part of the reason I don't like scheduling things is that I feel guilty if I miss them.

This time, it's nothing to do with my schedule. It's just attitude. I don't know how to explain it...just a deep-rooted dichotomy in our perception of the world. I've talked with some close friends about what to do with this juxtaposition of opinions, and it's become flat-out obvious what I need to do. Where I simply disagree, I already know how to deal with it. If I find myself truly miffed, I need to resort to either confrontation (probably without success in the end) or spending less time hanging out.

I'm practicing the clarinet, and taking lessons from Facebook Tutor. It's an adventure, and rather a good sit-in for my AFI 100 goal. I'll have to find something to replace this replacement after a while. I don't have a very good long-term attention span (for things that you think of in months, rather than minutes). I'm also getting semi-lessons on art from Paint Boots, so that should keep me busy. And then there's that whole life thing that keeps getting in the way of the fun.

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