Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Starting last night, I'm on lithium. That brings my current daily medication to 1150mg -- 550 for my liver and 600 for my kidneys. The lithium is for the bipolar mood disorder I might have, and will hopefully fill in the gap the other medications haven't. However, weight gain is common with lithium, so I need to be sure to drink lots of water and watch what I eat.

I called up Lab Girl. about going to Divine Comedy yesterday, but she didn't pick up or call back. I called Facebook Personal with the same result. So now I'm landed like a trout, with no option to call elsewhere, because I left a message with Personal. I hate dating. Why can't I be in love with pasta or something nice like that?

We had the Burma rally today. I woke up, helped out with fliers and shopping, went home, and accidentally slept through the whole thing. Bleh. Anyway, Roommate B got cited for his huge cloth flag thing.

Eye candy at 11:00 (Julia Roberts look-alike) and 1:00 (face of an eastern European model). Isn't it strange that a face can be so enormously attractive, just by itself? The weirdest thing I think is the sudden inability to control eye movement. Not like a full-body checkout, but it's art. It's like the most intriguing art in the world, a woman's face. I feel like there must be something similar with men, but that isn't the way it seems. I can't seem to grasp it. Maybe I'll make up a survey to see what face shapes are more/less attractive to different groups of women (e.g., age, cultural origin, media exposure, educational background, career, relationship status).

I'm making dinner tonight, and I have about a million onions from the co-op. I'll figure something out, I guess.

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