Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Happy life wakeup-age

I woke up this morning! Yay! I picked up the CSA produce and an attractive pumpkin! Yay! I checked out a laptop and renewed some books! Yay! I'm listening to Chief Justice Roberts! Yay!

And I'm not a fully fledged jerk. Yay. =) A number of days ago, when my flatmate and I talked about a spiritual realm, I couldn't separate in my mind the absurdities of God from the concepts of extrasensory reality. I had never discussed spiritual reality outside of a theistic context, and said that I disregarded all spiritual experiences, attributing them all to acute instances of hallucination. My atheism spanned to obliterating anything even loosely religious. Roommate K told me respectfully that he felt I was being extremely arrogant claiming that I knew better than millions of people who had had spiritual experiences.

I've been thinking about this, because I was stung a bit by the label of arrogance. Some time in the last couple days, I altered my position. I still find the idea of a benevolent supreme being difficult to swallow, but I do not have any specific evidence of the nonexistence of a spiritual world. I don't believe in it, but the main reason for this is the similarity and coordination between spiritual experiences and religious experiences. It will take a while for me to separate the two, and for the time being, I suspend judgment on the existence of the spiritual. K is pleased to hear I've opened my mind just a bit.

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